Life and stuff: Things that are guaranteed to make people happy
Some things make everyone happy.
They are as follows:
- Lollies thrown out into a crowd
- Streamers, confetti and balloons falling from the ceiling
- Sparklers
- Fireworks
- Finding money on the street
- Getting something good delivered to your home, school or office
- Winning
- Running through a sprinkler in summer
- Towels straight out of the clothes dryer
Here are some things that make me inordinately happy:
- Plants, especially cacti and flowers
- The Paris Review
- Animals (all of them, especially marine mammals and dogs)
- Taking photographs with Snappy, my new Canon EOS
- Swishy skirts
- Stories about psychics and ghosts
- Phosphorescence
- Watching the bats fly over Sydney at dusk
- Spotting other people’s tattoos
- 1950’s hairstyles and dresses
- Riding a pushbike
- French Champagne
- The First Husband
- My friends and family (especially the kids because they are so funny)
What makes you happy?
Movies – especially old musicals
Travelling to new places
Theme Parks & rollercoasters
A good Margarita
mmmm does it look like I have an obsession with food?
* Cats
* Animals (cats are separate because they are totally supreme beings)
* When you see a dog carry its leash in its mouth (okay, it’s another animal thing, but it always makes me laugh)
* Books that are so good they make me depressed that I could never write one as good as that
* Also bats at dusk
* Kids
* The view of an inner west sunset from my balcony
* Laughing with my beautiful friends!
* Wifey
* Old Mercedes
* Our two dogs
* Bbq meals
* Lollies
* Coffee
* Movies
* Friends
* House parties
* Road trips
Cherry Blossoms
Shiny new shoes
Reading that post made me happy – I’m smiling like a kid in a candy store, and I actually clapped when I read the word “Phosphorescence”! Other things include:
* People ~ The Man, the Friends, the Family … the Posse du jour
* A chunky ring ~ worn on the middle finger of my right hand
* Reading ~ especially when I know I can do it for hours without having to stop
* The sound of genuine laughter ~ from the belly & with the whole body.
* Art Deco anything ~ Oh, the lines!
* The sound of the keys clattering on my Macbook as I type ~ Mmmm!
* Floating and looking at the sky ~ especially if it’s quiet
* Adventure ~ And hence, SheGoes, obviously!