
Life+Stuff: Love your life

It’s taken me a long time to figure out how to love my life. Peace

I’ve spent years feeling overwhelmed, anxious and exhausted. I’ve tried to conform, achieve and contort myself into standard issue roles.

I’ve failed in varying degrees and I’m finally starting to feel OK.

I have taken to sleeping in, eating whatever I want and reading instead of going out.

My mind has started to open to possibilities that I had previously ignored. Maybe I will be childless and that will be fine. Maybe I will never remarry and that will be fine too.

The only things I seem to need these days are coffee in the morning and tea at night, restorative sleep, easy, joyful friendships, interesting work, things to read, watch, listen to and do, wine, water and a blessed abundance of fresh food. I love walking – around my neighbourhood or in the bush – and hanging out with my cat.

I feel happy in this quiet, simple place.

Have you figured out how to be happy? What are you doing?


3 comments on “Life+Stuff: Love your life

  1. Ah, Emma this is just what I needed to read today! Thank you.

    I’d have to add “ladies” to the list of essentials – men friends are just as important, but there’s something truly restorative about a lovely lady friend.

    I’m still learning to love my life too, but it’s happening. The hope is, I’ll get exponentially better at it every day. I’m sure it’s just a matter of practice. Gratitude and a healthy sense of humor about myself are helpful. Sleep, as you say, is crucial.

    Thanks for this post you lovely lady. It was restorative.

  2. Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.

    ~ Dale Carnegie

    I’m learning what my measure of success is. Happiness is a major part of it. If I’m not happy, I won’t be successful. Giving myself days off work as opposed to feeling the need to constantly push and drive. Trying new things. Sleeping. Exercising. Reading. Writing when I want to, without pressure.

    I am happy 🙂

    Sounds like you’re doing all the right things Em

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