Tinder is fun

In my ongoing quest to meet a man who is not a douchebag, I signed up to Tinder, the Gen Y version of a dating site.
Basically, it’s a hot or not app that’s linked to Facebook so you flick through pictures of people near you and say yes or no. If they say yes to you too, you can start chatting on a messenger app.
What I like about it is that you can’t pre-judge people based on their profile. The only information you get is their age, a couple of pics, info about whether you have any Facebook likes or friends in common and a one line statement.
Because of this app I have dated a whole bunch of IT guys of varying faiths and ethnic backgrounds. I apparently have a thing for nerds and Tinder gives the religious ones a chance to get on my dance card.
I think it’s better than OKCupid because you don’t make dumb assumptions before you actually meet the person. It’s more like meeting someone in a bar except that you get to assess their spelling ability before you give them your phone number.
My favourite exchange so far:
Him: Are you an archaeologist?
Me: Why do you ask, my dear? [I like to sound as elderly as possible]
Him: Because I have a bone I would like you to examine.
Thank you for that Jason, 22. You are a delight.
Have you had any funny online dating experiences? Care to share?
I’ve always assumed that Tinder is basically used just a hookup app. I don’t think it’s for me. It’s fun looking at everyone’s photos – I’d like to know more about the people I guess.
How’s it going on the douchebag scale?
“Tinder is a great way to meet IT guys that want to look at your boobs”
You are way too funny Em’ !
As if I, … oops, …. “they’ would ever do such a thing! 😉