
Rest and reprieve


I have decided to give up.

To quit.

To stop.

I am exhausted. I have been having some increasingly obnoxious health problems which I can only conclude is my body’s way of saying, ‘Not waving, drowning’.

So I have quit internet dating and I have stopped drinking coffee, two highly addictive behaviours that have brought me a great deal of happiness but also, in the long run, actual physical pain.

As my friend Katrina said, I’m giving my heart and my liver a rest.

I am flying to Hawaii – the ultimate land of relaxation – tomorrow night so I am hoping that will help. I will be blogging my trip so please come along and relaaaaaaaaaax with me.



4 comments on “Rest and reprieve

  1. Oh Emma, does that mean you’ll have to rename the blog “She’s Gone”? I am extremely envious of a trip to Hawaii – I have been threatening my husband for years that I’m going there, without him, because he apparently went there about 28 years ago… (men!!!)
    Please have at least one tropically coloured drink with an umbrella in it for me. xx

  2. Honoured to get a mention! Have a fabulous time in Hawaii Em – soak up some of that aloha spirit.

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