Just don’t do it

Last night was midwinter solstice, the longest night of the year. I made soup, watched TV and did my washing which was exactly what I needed to do.
I say ‘needed’ because I have been so tired lately. I never listen to my body. Instead, I add caffeine, alcohol, cold and flu meds, vitamins and anything else that will get me through the day.
But last night I did nothing and today I feel so much better.
Last week, I felt weird. Disconnected. Mojo-less. And because I felt weird, I felt worse. I wanted to be happy for people. To be able to be my ‘normal’ self.
It’s easy to get caught up in doing stuff. I am a shameless people pleaser. Yes is my middle name.
But sometimes so much yes can leave you with nothing left.
So, my friends, I give you permission to say no. To stay home. To binge watch box sets. To eat all the nourishing soups and casseroles and crumbles your wobbly winter bellies can handle. There is so much fun and ease and wellbeing to be had simply by doing nothing.
Totally agree. Have been forced to do a bit of that recently having returned from a week in the US (suffering through 5 flights all sitting upright) that has flared up a bulging disc in my neck. Can’t do my manic exercise, can’t sleep properly, can’t do a great deal, but have caught up on my television, including Wayward Pines, and have spent some time with my husband, which is lovely.
Well said, Em, happy Winter Solstice! I did almost nothing all day yesterday: a morning walk to look for whales from a nearby headland, then home to read the papers and have a two-hour afternoon nap?! #sundayismydayofrest
Could not agree with this more Emma. I have so many friends who feel like they have to be constantly busy because otherwise they aren’t enjoying life… makes no sense to me. Enjoying life is listening to your own needs. It’s closing the curtains and cranking up the heater. Hiding under a blanker, drinking that tawny in the cupboard from that Hunter trip, it’s doing the things YOU want to do and feeling guiltless for it.
Glad you made that choice Em, sounds like you really needed it xx