Weird/wonderful guide: Vanuatu
So I maaaaay have been Googling Vanuatu travel tips at work today and I may have found a really unusual website.
While technically not work-related, I was pleasantly surprised by what I read.
This site links to all the usual blah blah about where to eat/where to stay but what I loved is that it features original short fiction set in Vanuatu.
It’s just plain weird but the writing is exceptional. Check out this piece about a Port Vila morning in the style of Dylan Thomas or this piece about a fictional exchange between a crusty old local and a new arrival.
It shows a different side to Vanuatu – the local/expatriate side – and it offers a glimpse into the creative minds of some of its residents. In the same way the Graeme Greene’s Quiet American romanticised Saigon (and I subsequently stayed at Hotel Majestic where it was written), reading fictional accounts of places sparks my imagination ways that facts do not.
Have you ever visited a place where a fictional story was set? Do you have any tips about Vanuatu. I am going there in 26 days and counting …
My Vanuatu tip: don’t go during a time when it rains for a whole week and all the locals are saying “It never rains like this!” But it’s super fun, you’ll love it. Jealous!