How to stay pretty on safari
I am vain with a capital V. Put me in front of a reflective surface and I will look at myself.
Subsequently, going on safari presents a number of challenges – namely the lack of showers, mirrors and power points.
1. Dry Shampoo by Lee Stafford
The very lovely Laura Blasdale from WordStorm PR sent me a sample of this to try so I thought I would give it a proper road test by taking it to Africa with me.
Let me paint a picture for you. We are gliding through water lilies and reeds in a dug out canoe (called a mokoro), nothing but the sound of a creaking pole to disturb the meditative silence. It’s very hot in the mid-morning sun and we are all sweating like criminals.
Hours later, we arrive at a deserted island in the middle of the wetlands where we put up our tents and go swimming in a waterhole. In the afternoon, the group goes bushwalking (we find a lot of different kinds of poo but no poo makers), eat dinner around a blazing fire and then have a bit of a African-style boogie with the mokoro polers.
What does all this mean? In a word, sweat. Lots and lots of sweat.
What better time to test the Dry Shampoo. My extremely good-natured friends Mike (USA) and Karen (Canada) agree to participate in the trial as well. We all line up for a hefty blast of the stuff. It has a strong baby powder perfume and actually has a slightly powdery feel to it. We follow the instructions and rub/shake out the excess.
At first Karen’s beautifully voluminous hair goes a bit flat but by the next morning, we all look great. Our hair looks clean; no signs of grease or oil. We all agree that the Lee Stafford Dry Shampoo is a bit of a hit, especially if you don’t have the option of a shower.
2. ‘Engrave’ eyeliner by MAC
Imagine if you will: You have been whitewater rafting on the Zambesi river. You have been thrown out of your inflatable raft, you have climbed a nearly-vertical cliff face and it is 40 degrees in the shade. If you are like me, you look like an Ork, only less attractive. If you are the three hot Italian women (a mother and two daughters) who I met at the top of the gorge, you look… totally normal. Pretty, in fact. How is this possible? You are wearing the world’s most waterproof eyeline – Engrave by MAC.
3. Sunscreen
Sunlight has, at one time or another, made fools of us all. One of the girls in our group decided to sunbake without any sunscreen on. In the middle of the day. In the Kruger National Park. The result? OPI calls it ‘Keys to my Karma’ (common name: bright red).
4. Mosquito repellent
Polka dots are cute but not when they’re on your legs. Consider the fact that one in every 50 mozzies carries malaria and DEET is starting to smell pretty good, isn’t it?
5. Maxi dresses
There is going to come a day when you simply can’t face wearing khaki any more. I know it’s sensible. I know it’s good for creeping around in the bushes spotting lions. I also know that the novelty of pretending you’re David Attenborough wears off pretty quickly. Take a flattering maxi dress with you for the nights when you have to mix with the people who are not sleeping in tents. It will help you feel like a functioning member of society.
So tell me adventurers, do you have any tips for looking not-horrible under duress?
I spent 6-8 hours a day in an open baki when I was in Africa:
1. Tint your eyelashes before you go; I was always being accused of wearing eye makeup by the bitchy American but it was just the tint.
2. Doxycycline prevents malaria – and pimples.
3. Wear mineral powder – it’s natural looking, good for your skin and a sunscreen.
4. Scarves in your hair – it keeps it out of your face, hides grease and looks cute.
OMG I loooove dry shampoo. That’s be my number one hot hair on the run tip for sure. I really like the Lee Stafford one too. I also love a brand called Bastique. The one in the pink can leaves your hair smelling like candy. MMMM.
Some tips I reckon for the outdoors (I have spent months and months and months in upstate, humid New York)-
– Vegemite- it contains vitamin B so therefore a natural insect repellant. Amazing. All my American friends were getting bitten and I was repelling the mozzies right at them.
– I usually go for the Elle MacPherson just outa the beach look, so I am a mega fan of texturising spray, so I constantly look “beachy”
– a pair of thongs or flat sandals with jewels or sparkly bits on them (instant glam and the equivelant of Jimmy Choos anywhere more than an hour outside of a big city)
– MAC mineralise powder. Best thing in the world. It takes sunburn and sweat into healthy glow.
– Shitloads of blistex!!!!