Ivan Goodacre

Life+Stuff: Space

Personal space, time and space, outer space; there’s a lot of spaces that humans long for, dream about and explore through physics and complex mathematical equations.

Ivan Goodacre
This is a painting by Ivan Goodacre, one of my favourite landscape artists.

On the weekend I was walking The World’s Greatest Dog aka Dash the poodle along the roadside in Tamworth.

Looking out over the paddocks – nothing special, mind you – just miles of frostbitten, dry grass and gum trees, I felt a strange unfurling in my chest, like a flag being released into the wind.

I yearn for open space.

As much as I am sad about leaving my friends and job behind in Sydney, I am so excited about the prospect of looking out over uncluttered, highrise-free  horizons.

Where are your favourite spaces? What do you yearn for?

4 comments on “Life+Stuff: Space

  1. I love it too Em, that unfurling, and get the ultimate version of it in Africa for some reason. I haven’t explored the Australian countryside much, something I want to do. Will be able to do it when i visit you! xx

  2. You can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl.

  3. I get that sense of space from the sea – surfing, swimming, walking along its edge in the mornings. I don’t think I could live in Sydney if I couldn’t see a horizon without anything man-made on it. Love that image of the flag unfurling, Em; it makes a flag unfurl in my chest just reading that.

  4. For me it’s always up high, odd for someone who doesn’t like heights.

    The peak between Little Narrabeen and Warriewood beaches. The lookout at the end of Sprinwood Ridge and Faulconbridge Point. The lookout at the headland above Fairy Bower at Manly. These are all places I want my ashes scattered. Hopefully I will find many more places before it’s time!

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