TEDx: Mind = blown
I have turned into a born again Tedx-ian. Every second sentence starts with, ‘When I was at TEDx…’
I apologise in advance for how annoying I am.
But here’s the thing: it was that good.
I have been working in PR for a long time and I’m immune to hyperbole. Jeez, I dole the stuff out so I can spot bullsh*t at a thousand paces.
TEDx Sydney 2013 was nothing short of awe-inspiring. It was everything that’s good about the world crammed into one conference. It felt loving. The people presenting, the volunteers, the other audience members; on the day, I felt connected to them through a mutual desire to right human, animal and environmental wrongs. We felt powerful together in that room.
My favourite sustainability TED Talk was by Joost Bakker. He is my kind of rock (and dirt and plant) star.
My favourite entertaining talks were by slam poet Omar Musa and beat boxer Tom Thum. The videos aren’t available yet but I will post them on Facebook and Twitter later.
And guess what? There’s going to be another TED event in Sydney this year. Say wha? Yep, TAFE Northern Sydney Institute is hosting a TED event on August 28th and they are calling out for wild card speakers. I know so many people who would kill this opportunity. My friend Fouad could talk about growing up in Lebanon and why he is intent on preserving his family’s ancient olive grove, my friend No Impact Girl could talk about the realities of living simply and my friend Dalliss could talk about the injustice of our government’s Aboriginal Equality policies. Did you know that our constitution still doesn’t recognise Aboriginal people as humans? Most of my friends – that’s you – have ideas that are worth sharing. Ideas that could change the world. Send your ideas to ideas@tedxnorthernsydneyinstitute.com
Now, go!
I’d like to talk about less red tape and more action but I do not have the answers yet.
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Em! I think I have to write my book first 🙂 I’d love to hear more about the sustainability talk by Joost Bakker, if you feel so inclined 🙂