
How to beat the back-to-work blues

how-to-beat-the-back-to-work-bluesOne minute you’re sitting by a campfire under a star-littered sky and then suddenly you’re back at your temperature controlled desk under artificial lights. Is it any wonder that you want to throw yourself out the window?

So how can you prevent The Gloom from descending? Here are some surefire ways to stay afloat now that you’re back in captivity;

1. Book another trip

Doesn’t matter where to; just plan to go somewhere. In the next couple of months I am going to Tamworth to visit my Grandma, going camping with a group of friends and spending a weekend in Melbourne with my fiance.

2. Look at your credit card statement

ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Paid employment doesn’t seem like such a bad idea, right?

3. Reminisce about your last trip to anyone who will listen

The next best thing to being there is talking about being there. It will help you relive the excitement of the trip but might also remind you of why it’s so good to be home.

4. Be grateful

How amazing that you had the opportunity to do that? To have the money, the courage and the curiosity to go and see the world is truly a blessing.

5. Start planning

Where to next? Make a list of your top destinations and set the wheels in motion. Learn a language, join a house swapping forum such as, apply for an overseas job or simply buy the Lonely Planet Guide for your next adventure. Actively pursuing your dreams will help you move beyond the depressing reality that all holidays must eventually come to an end.

So, in reference to Point 3, where did you go? And most importantly, did you have fun?

5 comments on “How to beat the back-to-work blues

  1. OMG – I have already done every single one of those things you’ve listed!
    I am seriously just holding on to work life on the whiff of my next holiday plan – camping my way form Perth to Broome. Leave is booked already! How exciting.

    There will be a campervan, there will be whale sharks, and there will be a horizon full of Indian Ocean to gaze at.

    Bring on July.

  2. I’ve been dying to get back to Africa since I went there in 2007 to volunteer on a lion monitoring project and fell in love with the place, ‘got the Africa bug’, and have decided this is the year! Keep up the inspiration Em.

  3. 6. I’ve been musing about full-on denial: slapping on my backpack and hiking the Inca trail. Gotta have another fix!

  4. LOL- I just looked at my credit card statement. It stopped me from quitting my job today 🙂

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