Travel Tales: Edwina Dick
Name: Edwina Dick
Age: 37
Occupation: Freelance Writer and Mum of two.
Favourite travel destination? Southern Italy and Hawaii (can I also say Paris, NY and Chillagoe too?).
Best meal you’ve ever had while travelling?: For me, meals are an opportunity for three fully-clothed thrills a day and- eeek- travelling sends me in to a gluttonous overdrive. I had a breakfast in Hawaii recently though, which I’m still weeping over. Yose Dofu (a bowl of silken set tofu) served with grilled miso cod, pickled vegetables, 4-hour poached egg, dashi broth and kimchee sauce at Morimoto Waikiki … but it’s SO FAR AWAY. Sob!
Best kiss?: Best on-screen is clearly any shared by the Day-Knights (AKA Kath and Kel). My personal best though was a naughty rule-breaker with a hot house-mate at uni, who was promoted in status to hot husband.
Best/scariest/funniest drive?: Best – I love San Francisco to the Napa Valley. Scariest/funniest- When I was 21, and travelling through Egypt with three mates -all males-we (they!) accepted a very late-night lift with two (as it turned out, crazy) locals in Alexandria. The ensuing three hours were like something from The Hangover- it was the first and last time I have ever got in to a car with strangers (sorry Mum).
Where is the best/weirdest/worst place you’ve ever stayed? Best – The Bon Ton, Langkawi, PLUS Any rental shack at Currarong, near Jervis Bay on the NSW South Coast- (especially when accompanied by a tray of lamingtons from the Berry Bakery)
Weirdest AND Worst- The Windsor Hotel in Cairo. Yes, it has ‘character’, Yes, Michael Palin has stayed there – but NO. Just No.
What has been the big ‘wow’ moment of your travelling life?: My first day in Havana. My best friend and I travelled to Cuba for three weeks in 1997, and the whole experience was incredible. Even 15 years ago there were hardly any visitors, and as we weren’t staying in one of the few government sanctioned hotels, we found it difficult to even buy snacks to carry around with us. Getting to know Cubans our age, who were desperate to get out and see the world, but in reality were not even allowed to leave their districts without government approval was a real eye-opener- yet the place was like paradise.
What is your number one travel tip?: DON’T lose your cash card. I have done so more than once.