Travel Tales: Kim McKay
Age: 36
Occupation: Business Owner – Travel PR
Favourite travel destination?: New York (if you have been you would know the answer to why – if you haven’t been just GO!)
Worst travel experience?: Every time you travel it’s a gift. You learn and grow from every experience so I don’t have a worst – I embrace it all.
Best tips for beating jetlag?: Before boarding change your watch destination time zone. Eat meals and sleep according to the time at your destination
What is the one thing you don’t leave home without?: iPhone
Do you stay in touch with people while you’re travelling?: iPhone using Twitter, Facebook, email and phone
Best meal you’ve ever had while travelling?: A birthday dinner on the west coast of Ireland. The restaurant was rustic and warm, we dined on Salmon straight from the sea – I have never tasted better and don’t think I ever will.
Best kiss?: At the end of an amazing day walking around Paris we found ourselves on the ‘kissing bridge’ overlooking the river Seine so we did and it was very romantic.
Best/scariest/funniest drive?: A three week drive around the Emerald Isle. Having no plan and just deciding each morning what we wanted to do that day. When you can cross a country in a three hour drive you can kinda roll with it. Enjoying an outdoor U2 concert was a real highlight.
What has been the big WOW moment of your travelling life?: Arriving in London by myself on my first overseas trip. The feeling of freedom when I realised no one in the world (who knew me) had any clue where or was or what I was doing was exhilarating. I finally realised that the world was open to me and I could set my own course – which I relish to this day!
I’m with you on New York – what a fab city. And I also had the WOW factor on my first overseas trip – I can still conjure up the smells and sounds of Athens and the feeling of excitement and the freedom that comes with being away from home on your own for the first time!