Travel Tales: Elliott Miller
Name:Elliott Miller
Age:36 (feel like 30!)
Occupation:Sales & Marketing
Favourite travel destination?:Ooh that is very hard as been to so many amazing places but at the moment would have to be Bhutan. The cultural diversity, the landscape, the excursions available depending on how adventurous you feel, high mountain trekking, easy walks, freewheeling down from 4,000 metres for 35 km on a paved road (truly amazing), yoga (can’t think of anywhere more zen than Bhutan for this), learning about the culture by visiting local Dzong’s, museums, local school to watch children of all ages learn their local handicrafts so much to do and of course the traditional ‘Hot Stone Bath’.
Worst travel experience? What happened?: Hmm … again so many …
Best tips for beating jetlag?: Drink lots of water, set your watch for the destination you are going to as soon as you get on the plane and do what you would at the time it is (sleep, eat, stay awake watching movies…). When you arrive go for a walk or run. Trust me – this helps even if you feel like going to sleep!
What is the one thing you don’t leave home without?:ipod, noise canceling headphones, ear plugs and my own toiletries products (COMO Shambhala), jeans, white T-shirt, blazer and trainers.
Do you stay in touch with people while you’re travelling? If so, what is the best way to do this?:Whatever is available to me at the time, Skype, e-mail, phone, text and FB (yes, the dreaded FB).
Best meal you’ve ever had while travelling?:So many – how do you pick one? Dumplings in a back street in Udaipur, Rajistaan after a day of walking and sightseeing. We were lost, it started raining and we ducked undercover in a small alleyway. We stumbled across a hole-in-the-wall place which looked like someone’s living room with a few stools and a steamer the size of large round table (may have actually been in someone’s living room) with the most amazing smelling dumplings, (just don’t know what was in them but they were incredible). Would also have to say Thai street food in Bangkok everywhere but always the favourite places like ‘Annie’s Place’ just outside the big weekend market (Chatu chak).
Best kiss?:Ha ha … that’s a bit personal isn’t it?!
Best/scariest/funniest drive?:Amalfi Coast, bloody Italian drivers!
What has been the big WOW moment of your travelling life?:Wow, these questions are hard. Hmmm … would say two things. The first is getting to the top of ‘Wayna Pichu’ and looking down on ‘Machu Picchu’. The second is walking a part of the ‘Great Wall of China’ on my birthday one year. Truly amazing – how on earth did they do it?!